Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Guess Who's Back

Hey guys, im sorry for the incredible lack of posts in the past few weeks. 3 of us were on vacation, including me. I had a wonderful time in Amsterdam and Barcelona, and have plenty of pictures and stories that I will be sharing in the next few days. I have a few posts lined up for this week and the next, including, but not limited to: Themed Thursday, a few band writeups, and also both ATG Mixtape One and ATG Sleep Mixtape. Get excited. -Zack
(PS: The picture is of a sculpture by the famous architect and native of Barcelona, Antoni Gaudi, taken by my brother Alex.)


Anonymous said...

I am super excited for the MixTapes-- Ive been bored without you guys

alex said...

Thanks for the kind words, but there is a chance you might need to get some hobbies if you have been bored without us.

I say that jest. I am totally without hobbies or outside activities.

Anonymous said...

i agree with anonymous. i love the mixtapes you guys make. i played the valentines one for my friends and they thought it was great! please make more.